Chat with a cybersecurity recruiter
What will be an ideal candidate
- Your online profile (LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.) matters: showing up your role as a cybersecurity guy
- Easy to contact, easy to follow up
What is the most important thing on a resume
- The white space is the first place for a recruiter to look.
- Contact, linkein, github.
- Google other’s resumes and learn from them
- Formation and certs depend on the requirements of the company.
- Relate the project to the job position
- Two pages are fine.
- HTB HTB can show your hobby; Recruiter can search and look at your HTB profile.
- Text-based CV: easy for scanning.
How to search for a company
- Google the company, and look at its growth.
- Glassdoor, indeed, etc. to look at the review of the companies.
What do recruiters hate to see
- Formatting, spelling.
- Do not be so long.
- Do not put important information at the end.
For those who are new to this industry
Look at your strength and weakness.
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