Supply Chain Security - Github Action
MontréHack June 2024 Meetup In the June 2024 meetup event of MontréHack, the host François Proulx gave an introductive presentation about supply chain security. He also created an examplar CTF Git...
MontréHack June 2024 Meetup In the June 2024 meetup event of MontréHack, the host François Proulx gave an introductive presentation about supply chain security. He also created an examplar CTF Git...
Sales Engineer - Arctic Wolf Intern Position: It’s normal to be refused. There are often at least 50-60 applicants for a position. Job Application: Be sure to include all the keywords in the C...
Introduction This is the skill assessment section in the File Upload Attack module of the HTB. We are going to use the skills learned - including the front-end filter, black list filter, whitelist...
1. Miscellaneous PayloadAllTheThings 2. Cross-Site Scripting ( XSS ) Payload PayloadBox 3. SQL injection Payload 4. Reverse Shell Online - Reverse Shell Generator ( 5. Documen...
1. Web Fuzzing in one sentence Similar to password bruteforcing, it envolves sending crafted http request to test the if the guessed structure of the website is ture. 2. What to fuzz 2.1 Directo...
LSA secrets token::elevate lsadump::secrets
Core function Intercepting Web Requests Modifying Web Requests Automatic Modification Repeating Requests Manually use data type manager Import C header High-level programming language (Com...
Pros and cons of SRE Tools IDA, Radare2, Structure in Assembly Add structure in Ghidra Manually use data type manager Import C header High-level programming language (Compile =>) Assem...
What is reverse engineering High-level programming language (Compile =>) Assembly language (Assemble =>) Machine code (Link =>) Executable (.ELF, .EXE) Reverse Engineer...
Privilege Access Without local admin rights, how to move laterally? RDP WinRM SQL Typically the first thing I check after importing BloodHound data is: Does the Domain Users group have lo...